1Z0-574 | The Most recent Guide To 1Z0-574 dumps

Q1. Which statement most accurately describes the purpose of the Process view of User Interaction? 

A. The Process view describes the sequence of activities In the development to deployment life cycle of the UI application. 

B. The Process view describes the workflow of the user Interaction with the application from screen to screen. 

C. The Process view describes the computer processes incorporated into the architecture and illustrates the interactions between the various components in the architecture. 

D. The Process view describes the business processes that are implemented In the UI applications. 


Explanation: The Process View describes the computer processes incorporated into the architecture and illustrates the interactions between the various components in the architecture. 

Reference: Oracle Reference Architecture, User Interaction, Release 3.0 

Q2. Which of the following statements describes the relationship between Cloud computing and Grid computing? 

A. Grid computing is the same as Cloud computing 

B. Grid architectures are likely to be used in building Clouds 

C. Grid computing is an evolution of the Cloud computing architecture 

D. Grid computing and Cloud computing are totally unrelated concepts 


Explanation: The term utility computing is often used to describe the metered (or pay-per-use) IT services enabled by grid computing. Cloudcomputing (where dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the internet) is another term that describes how enterprises are using computing resources—on both private and public networks—over the internet. Because grid computing provides superior flexibility, it is the natural architectural foundation for both utility and cloud computing. 

Reference: Oracle White Paper, Oracle Grid Computing 

Q3. Which of the following best describes the role of the Managed Target Tier within the Logical view of the Management and Monitoring architecture? 

A. contains configuration details, historical metric data and alert Information, availability Information, and product and patch inventory Information 

B. provides access to management content and operations and enables end users to access the appropriate business solution 

C. provides Management Repository and Management Engine capabilities 

D. contains the named Infrastructure components that are required to be managed and monitored 


Explanation: The Managed Target Tier contains the named infrastructure components that are required to be managed and monitored. It is common to utilize a combination of agent based and gateway (a.k.a. proxy) patterns to monitor and manage hosted and non-hosted targets. 

Reference: Oracle Reference Architecture,Management and Monitoring, Release 3.0 

Q4. Which statement best describes the use of point-to-point integrations within a Service-Oriented Integration (SOI) architecture? 

A. point-to-point integrations using web services are an Integral part of SOI and should be used extensively. 

B. Only web service-based point-to-point integrations are allowed (but discouraged). 

C. Point-to-point integrations should be avoided but are allowed as exceptions when requirements can be met only by point-to-point integration. 

D. Point-to-point integrations are brittle and expensive to maintain and therefore should never be used. 


Explanation: Avoid Point-to-Point Integrations. Point-to-point integrations are brittle, inflexible, and expensive to maintain. There are cases where point-to-point integrations are required but these should be handled as exception cases. Example exceptions include performance requirements that can only be met using point-to-point connections and when large amounts of data must be moved. Reference: Oracle Reference Architecture, Service-Oriented Integration, Release 3.0 

Q5. Which of the following are architecture principles that pertain to the management and monitoring framework? 

A. focus on individual resources 

B. service aware 

C. standards-based integration 

D. manual governance processes 

E. discoverable 

Answer: B,C,E 

Explanation: The following list is a sample architecture principles that pertain to the management and monitoring framework. 

* Service Aware (B) 

Treat a Service as a super infrastructure component. As more and more enterprises utilize Services as a means to build and compose business solutions it has become critical that IT operations have a comprehensive approach to managing and monitoring these Services. 

 Standards-based Integration (C) Standards based approach to integration to interact with internal and external IT operational systems. Standards-based integration improves the ability to interoperate with existing but also future and unknown IT operational systems. This facilitates the ability to manage and monitor the IT environment holistically as well as minimizing the cost of maintaining the integrations. *Discoverable (E) Discovery of deployed services and infrastructure components. Services and infrastructure components have become more dependent on one another, with many of these interdependencies crossing corporate boundaries. Without access to information concerning these dynamic interdependencies diagnosing problems and correlating problems in a complex, distributed environment is a huge challenge. Identifying and understanding dependencies manually is cost prohibitive, and breaks down with rising complexity and a rapid rate of change. 


Other architecture principles that apply here as well: 


* Proactive 

* Externalize Management 

* Manage and Monitor as One 

* Extensible 

Reference: Oracle Reference Architecture,Management and Monitoring, Release 3.0 

Q6. Which of the following statements are true? 

A. (OWCS) provides components for reverse proxy, personalization, customization, social computing, and analytics. 

B. Oracle WebCenter (OWC) provides the Resource Tier of the Oracle Reference Architecture User Interaction. 

C. Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) provides the standard communication protocols (for example, HTTP) between the Client Tier and the Service Tier as well as the Message Security between the Client Tier and Service Tier. 

D. Oracle Meta Data Services (OMDS) stores customization, personalization, and other metadata in a repository 

E. Oracle WebLogic Suite (OWLS) is used in Oracle Reference Architecture User Interaction to enable Ontology languages for the Semantic Web 

Answer: B,D 

Explanation: B: Oracle WebCenter (OWC) - provides the foundation for delivering a modern user 

experience for Oracle Fusion Middleware as well as Oracle Fusion Applications. 

OWC is composed of four main components as illustrated in the figure: 

D: Oracle Meta Data Services (OMDS) - stores customization, personalization, and other metadata in a repository. The repository can either be stored in a database or in file-based storage. 

Q7. Oracle Reference Architecture uses multiple views (as defined by standard IEEE 1471) to describe the architecture. Which statement best describes the use of views within ORA? 

A. Each view within ORA focuses on a particular set of Oracle products. 

B. ORA provides multiple views (for example, Conceptual, Logical, Deployment) to describe the architecture to various stakeholders. 

C. Each view within ORA focuses on a particular set of industry standards. 

D. ORA provides multiple views (for example, Product Mapping, Deployment) to illustrate how Oracle products must be installed and configured. 

E. ORS uses views to illustrate industry standards and document architecture guidelines. 


Explanation: It is important that the service-oriented reference architecture documents the architecture from multiple views. Each view might include multiple models to illustrate the concepts, capabilities, etc. important for that view. The particular choice of views depends on what material is being covered and which views best convey the information. Example views include conceptual, logical, product mapping, and deployment views. 

Reference: IT Strategies from Oracle, Oracle’s approach to SOA, Oracle White Paper 

Q8. The Service-Oriented Integration (SOI) architecture can be deployed in a variety of ways. One deployment option is a hierarchical deployment, where each division within the enterprise can deploy the layers of the SOI architecture by using their chosen hardware and software platforms. 

A separate enterprise-wide deployment of the upper layers of the architecture is used to provide cross-divisional integration. Which statements are true for this type of hierarchical deployment of SOI? 

A. Hierarchical deployment of the SOI architecture is the recommended deployment whenever an enterprise has two or more business divisions. 

B. Hierarchical deployment of the SOI architecture is an anti-pattern and should be avoided du-the additional costs associated with supporting multiple hardware and software platforms. 

C. Hierarchical deployment of the SOI architecture is a transitional phase moving toward a peer- peer deployment where the enterprise-wide deployment of the upper layers is eliminated. 

D. Hierarchical deployment of the SOI architecture supports aquestions because each aquestions can be treated as a new division with its own chosen hardware and software platforms. 

E. Because each division is allowed to select the hardware and software platform, industry standards become more important to ensure interoperability between the divisions and the enterprise-wide upper layer. 

F. Because each division is allowed to select the hardware and software platform, platform vendors will have the complete for business, which will reduce the costs of hardware and software, thus reducing the cost of technical deployment versus a shared deployment. 

Answer: D,E 

Explanation: D: This type of deployment easily supports acquisitions since a new acquisition can be treated as simply another portfolio. E (not F): The primary disadvantage of a hierarchical deployment is the increased cost and complexity of supporting more hardware and software. Adherence to standards to support interoperability is also more important in a hierarchical deployment since the various portfolios may select different products 

Reference: Oracle Reference Architecture, Service-Oriented Integration, Release 3.0 

Q9. A longer term goal of Service-Oriented Integration (SOI) is to enable composite applications that are assembled from SOA Services. Which statement best describes the relationship between composite application assembly and SOA Service engineering? 

A. Composite application assembly and SOA Service engineering are separate, decoupled efforts without any meaningful Interaction. 

B. All SOA Service engineering must be completed prior to any composite application assembly. 

C. Composite application assembly uses service contracts created by SOA Service engineering and generates requirements that are Inputs to SOA Service engineering. 

D. SOA Service engineering creates SOA Services following sound engineering principles, while composite application assembly uses SOA Services based on WSPL interfaces. 



The Oracle Service Engineering Framework is an engineering approach for delivering projects within an SOA environment The Service Engineering Framework addresses activities at both the program and project scope to consider the requirements of the business outside of the scope of a single project. Topics covered at the program scope include:  

* SOA Requirements Management - Provides a process for harvesting requirements in a manner that naturally facilitates service identification and discovery. 

* Service Identification & Discovery - Establishes the procedures around identifying Service candidates, as well as discovering reuse candidates from the existing Service catalog. Takes the process from identification and discovery, through the justification processes required to determine if an existing Service can be viable for reuse in the proposed manner, or if the proposed Service Candidate should be realized as a shared Service. 

* Service Release Planning - Provides the groundwork necessary for planning for project and Service deliveries within an SOA 

Topics covered at the project scope include: 

* Service Definition -

* Service Design -

* Service Implementation - Provides the guidelines for effectively and efficiently developing shared Services. 

* Service Testing -

* Service Deployment - Defines the guidelines and practices that need to be considered when deploying Services into a shared environment. 

* Service OA&M -

Note: The primary goal of service-oriented integration is to better leverage existing systemwithin the IT environment by applying service-oriented principles. Ultimately, the goal is to enable the assembly of composite applications, with little or no custom coding, that include capabilities sourced from existing systems. Composite applications are applications that pull together data, functionality, and process from multiple existing sources to solve a business problem or create new business value. Service-oriented integration is the mechanism to expose existing sources of data, functionality, and process so that those sources can be readily consumed by a composite application 

Q10. Which of the following are the implications of the architecture principle, "Asset-centric approach must be applied to engineering processes"? 

A. The development Infrastructure must support asset-centric engineering. 

B. Assets must be associated with meaningful metadata that can be used to discover and interpret the assets. 

C. Solutions developed must beintegrated and tested early and often. 

D. Existing assets must be reused to fulfill whole or part functionality when available. 


Explanation: The underlying core principle of ORA Engineering is asset sharing and enterprise development through an integrated asset management approach. Most organizations use a Software Configuration Management (SCM) or Version Control System (VCS) for managing the code and configuration assets. These tools are great for managing the versioning of assets produced but they don't maintain the metadata of the assets. Without metadata assets are not organized in context and it is hard to discover them. ORA recommends an asset-centric engineering process, where an Asset Manager is used to address the challenges posed by the traditional approaches. The Asset Manager is typically an enterprise-scoped Metadata Repository working in concert with SCMs and other types of asset repositories. 

Reference: Oracle Reference Architecture,Software Engineering, Release 3.0