1z0-482 | The Secret of Oracle 1z0-482 braindumps

Q31. What is a Load Plan?

A. A frozen version of a package.

B. An executable object that contains a hierarchy of steps.

C. A substitute for packages or scenarios-

D. A web service-

Answer: B

Q32. Which property file parameter stores the location of the OBBIE web catalog folder?





Answer: D

Q33. Where can users edit scenarios in ODI?

A. Designer Navigator

B. Operator Navigator

C. Command line

D. Nowhere, scenarios cannot be edited

Answer: D

Q34. In ODI, is it possible to reverse a COBOL flat file using a Copybook definition?

A. Yes, only using the file driver

B. Yes, using the file and complex file drivers

C. Yes, but only if the source file is an EBCDIC file.

D. No, you need to manually add the columns definition in all the cases.

Answer: A

Q35. Select two correct answers. ODI and EDQ can share the same infrastructure If .

A. They use an Oracle DB as a repository and WebLogic to host the web application

B. They use an Oracle DB as a repository and WebSphere to host the web application

C. They use any DB as a repository and any compatible web application server

D. They use an Oracle DB as a repository and Tomcat to host the web application

E. ODI and EDQ cannot share the same infrastructure, they both have different architecture

Answer: AB

Q36. Identify the operation that ensures that referential integrity is maintained while loading changes detected by the ODI CDC framework.

A. Unlock Subscriber

B. Extend Window

C. Lock Subscriber

D. Purge Journal

Answer: B

Q37. Select the two correct reasons that might lead you to use EDQ Transformation Processors rather than transform data in ODI.

A. EDQ is faster than ODI at performing transformations.

B. The data needs to be mapped to a coded value.

C. Some data needs to be aggregated, producing a total value from multiple rows.

D. When converting string dates, EDQ does not need all source fields to be valid dates.

E. When a standardized or derived data value is needed for matching records.

Answer: CD

Q38. Select the three correct options for Token Checking in the EDQ parser.

A. Checking against a list of values.

B. Checking for duplicates.

C. Checking against a list of patterns.

D. Checking for typing errors.

E. Checking against a list of regular expressions.

Answer: ABE

Q39. Your Package logic requires you to retrieve the status of the previous Package step into a variable. How do you implement this?

A. Create a variable, use odiRef. getPrevsteptog ()in the SQL query in its Refreshing tab, and add a variable as a Refresh Variable step into Package

B. Create a variable, use odiRef.getinfooin the SQL query in its Refreshing tab, and add a variable as a Refresh Variable step into Package

C. Create a variable, use odiRef.getStep()in the SQL query in its Refreshing tab; and add a variable as a Refresh Variable step into Package

D. Create a variable, use odiRef .getPrevstepstatus ()in the SQL query in its Refreshing tab, and add a variable as a Refresh Variable step into Package

Answer: A

Q40. In an ODI interface, to declare a lookup, is there a dedicated graphical object?

A. No, in ODI you can declare a lookup only using a join definition.

B. No, in ODI you can declare a lookup only using an ODI procedure.

C. Yes, there is a specific object, you click it and a wizard helps the developer to set the lookup.

D. Yes, there is a specific object and you need to prepare a configuration file to use it.

Answer: C