CLF-C01 | The Secret Of Amazon-Web-Services CLF-C01 Test Questions

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Which S3 storage class has lowest object availability rating?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Standard
  • B. Reduced Redundancy
  • C. Infrequent Access
  • D. All of them have the same availability rating

Answer: C

Infrequent access has the lowest availability rating (99.90%). Standard and Reduced Redundancy have an availability rating of 99.99%

Tracy has created a web application, placing it's underlining infrastructure in the N. Virginia (US-East-
1) region. After several months, Tracy notices that much of the traffic coming to her website is coming from Japan. What can Tracy do to (best) help reduce latency for her users in Japan?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Copy the current VPC and located in US-East-1 and ask AWS to move it to a region closest to Japan
  • B. Create a and manage a complete duplicate copy of the web application and its infrastructure in a region closest to Japan.
  • C. Create a CDN using CloudFront, making sure the proper content is cached at Edge Locations closest to Japan.
  • D. Create a CDN using CloudCache, making sure the proper content is cached at Edge Locations closest to Japan.

Answer: C

CloudFront is AWS's content delivery network (CDN) service. You can use it to cache web content at edge locations what are closest to you customers. This will decrease latency for the customer and improve overall performance.

What is one benefit AND one drawback of buying a reserved EC2 instance? (Select two) Choose the 2 Correct answers:

  • A. You can terminate the instance at any time without any further pricing commitment.
  • B. Reserved instances can be purchased as a significant discount over on-demand instances.
  • C. You can potentially save a lot of money by placing a lower "bid" price.
  • D. You are locked in to either a one- or three-year pricing commitmen

Answer: BD

Reserved instances require a one- or three-year purchase term, so you are committing to paying for that much compute capacity for that full time period. However, in exchange for the long-term commitment, you will receive a discount (of up to 75%) over using an on-demand instance (for that same time period).

What best describes a simplified definition of the "cloud"?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. All the computers in your local home network.
  • B. A computer located somewhere else that you are utilizing in some capacity.
  • C. An on-premisis data center that your company owns.
  • D. Your internet service provider

Answer: B

The simplest definition of the cloud is a computer that is located somewhere else that you are
utilizing in some capacity. AWS is a cloud services provider, as the provide access to computers they own (located at AWS data centers), that you use for various purposes.

What AWS database service is used for data warehousing of petabytes of data?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. RDS
  • B. Elasticache
  • C. Redshift
  • D. DynamoDB

Answer: C

Redshift is a fully-managed data warehouse that is perfect for storing petabytes worth of data.

What is the name of AWS's RDS SQL database engine?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Lightsail
  • B. SNS
  • C. MySQL
  • D. Aurora

Answer: D

AWS created their own custom SQL database engine, which is called Aurora.

What are the four primary benefits of using the cloud/AWS?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Elasticity, scalability, easy access, limited storage.
  • B. Fault tolerance, scalability, elasticity, and high availability.
  • C. Unlimited storage, limited compute capacity, fault tolerance, and high availability.
  • D. Fault tolerance, scalability, sometimes available, unlimited storage

Answer: B

Fault tolerance, scalability, elasticity, and high availability are the four primary benefits of AWS/the cloud.

What are the benefits of AWS's Relational Database Service (RDS)? (Select all that apply) Choose the 3 Correct answers:

  • A. Resizable capacity
  • B. Automated patches and backups
  • C. Cost-efficient
  • D. None of the above

Answer: ABC

What is the purpose of a DNS server?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. To serve web application content.
  • B. To convert common language domain names to IP addresses.
  • C. To convert IP addresses to common language domain names.
  • D. To act as an internet search engin

Answer: B

Domain name system servers act as a "third party" that provides the service of converting common language domain names to IP addresses (which are required for a web browser to properly make a request for web content).

What best describes the concept of high availability?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. The ability for a system to grow and shrink based on demand.
  • B. The ability for a system to withstand a certain amount of failure and still remain functional.
  • C. The ability for a system to grow in size, capacity, and/or scope.
  • D. The ability for a system be accessible when you attempt to access i

Answer: D

High availability refers to the concept that something will be accessible when you try to access it. An object or web application is "highly available" when it is accessible a vast majority of the time.

What best describes the purpose of having many Availability Zones in each AWS region?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Multiple Availability Zones allow for fault tolerance but not high availability.
  • B. Multiple Availability Zones allow for cheaper prices due to competition between them.
  • C. Multiple Availability Zones allow for duplicate and redundant compute, and data backups.
  • D. None of the abov

Answer: C

Availability Zones work together within a region to provide users with the ability to easily setup and configure redundant architecture and backup solutions

Children's All Saints Hospital has millions of old medical records that they must save for regulatory reasons. These records will most likely never be accessed again. What is the best and most costeffective S3 storage option that will meet the hospitals needs?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Standard
  • B. Infrequent Access
  • C. Glacier
  • D. Reduced Redundacy

Answer: C

Glacer is specifically designed for long-term archival storage. It is extremely inexpensive and should only be used for items that you access very infrequently.

What AWS service has built-in DDoS mitigation?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. CloudFront
  • B. CloudTrail
  • C. CloudWatch
  • D. EC2

Answer: A

With CloudFront, you cache content at Edge Locations, which shield your underlining application infrastructure from DDoS attacks.

If you are using an on-demand EC2 instance, how are you being charged for it?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. You are charged per second, based on an hourly rate, and there are no termination fees.
  • B. You are charged by the hour and must pay a partial upfront fee.
  • C. You must commit to a one or three year term and pay upfront.
  • D. You are charged per second, based on an hourly rate, and there is a termination fe

Answer: A

On-demand EC2 instances are exactly that, on-demand. There are no upfront or termination fees, and you are charged for each second of usage (based on an hourly rate).

Donna needs to provision a Linux server to run a web application on. What AWS service should she use to create the Linux server?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. VPC
  • B. Lambda
  • C. IAM
  • D. EC2

Answer: D

Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) is AWS server-based compute service platform. You can use it to provision and use Linux- and Windows-based servers.

You notice that five of your 10 S3 buckets are no longer available in your account, and you assume that they have been deleted. You are unsure who may have deleted them, and no one is taking responsibility. What should you do to investigate and find out who deleted the S3 buckets?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Look at the S3 logs.
  • B. Look at the CloudTrail logs.
  • C. Look at the CloudWatch Logs.
  • D. Look at the SNS log

Answer: B

CloudTrail is logging service that logs actions taken by AWS users in your AWS account, such as creating/deleting S3 buckets, starting/stopping EC2 stances, etc.

What best describes the difference between the TCO Calculator and the Cost Explorer?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. The TCO Calculator help you analyze current AWS usage charges; the Cost Explorer helps you estimate the cost savings of using AWS.
  • B. The TCO Calculator helps you estimate the cost savings of using AWS; the Cost Explorer help you analyze current AWS usage charges.
  • C. The Cost Explorer helps you calculate hourly EC2 Usage cost; the TCO Calculator is a price list for each AWS service.
  • D. The Cost Explorer is a price list for each AWS service; the TCO Calculator helps you calculate hourly EC2 Usage cost.

Answer: B

The TCO calculator is a free tool provided by AWS that allows you to estimate the cost savings of using AWS vs. using an on-premises data center. The Cost Explorer is a free tool that allows you to view charges of your cost (helps you analyze where you are spending money).

If you have a set of frequently accessed files that are used on a daily basis, what S3 storage class should you store them in?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Infrequent Access
  • B. Reduced Redundancy
  • C. Standard
  • D. Fast Access

Answer: C

The Standard storage class should be used for files that you access on a daily or very frequent basis.

If an object is stored in the Standard S3 storage class and you want to move it to Glacier, what must you do in order to properly migrate it?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Delete the object and reupload it, selecting Glacier as the storage class.
  • B. Create a lifecycle policy that will migrate it after a minimum of 30 days.
  • C. Change the storage class directly on the object.
  • D. None of the abov

Answer: B

Any object uploaded to S3 must first be placed into either the Standard, Reduced Redundancy,
or Infrequent Access storage class. Once in S3 the only way to move the object to glacier is through a lifecycle policy.

S3 storage classes are rated by what two metric categories? (Select two) Choose the 2 Correct answers:

  • A. Objectivity
  • B. Durability
  • C. Availability
  • D. Fault tolerance

Answer: BC

Each S3 storage class is rated on its availability and durability.


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